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JustinTruman Blog

About Me


My name is Justin Truman, and I am the creator of the Justin Truman Blog. I am currently working as a software engineer, and as you may have guessed, this blog is going to be all about current and emerging technologies. Having been part of this business for over ten years, I believe that I have valuable insight and knowledge that I would like to share and see people benefit from it. My passion is talking about more obscure developments in the field, in addition to teaching you the fundamentals of technology. As time goes by, we will explore topics like governments interfering in the creation of new projects and talk about well known suppressed technologies. One last thing you should know about me is that I love playing video games in my free time. My favorite genre is MOBA, but I am open to trying out new releases and giving you my reviews of the games. Starting with places you can visit to ease up the financial burden of gaming. For example sites like, as the name suggests, they give out tons of coupons and codes that you can use to play slots for free. Not only slots, but many other types of casino games, depending on what kinds of codes are available for grabs.


What You Can Expect From the JustinTruman Blog


This blog is structured in such a way that you can read various topics concerning personal technology, in addition to articles discussing the future and planned projects of the tech giants. Seeing how the latest buzz is all about the new 5G technology, and the many misconceptions surrounding it, I will dedicate an individual article teaching you all there is to know, including taking a look at the more wild conspiracy theories. Furthermore, I would like to explore the fascinating field of space exploration, which has become extremely popular thanks to leading figures like Elon Musk and recently even Jeff Bezos. You can join me in discovering the details of the planned missions to Mars, and more specifically, looking at the innovative technology that will make this possible. And lastly, in the personal tech review blog section, we will look at some easy ways you can incorporate to secure your devices like cell phones and personal computers. These are the things that you can expect from the JustinTruman blog, a little bit of practical information, and a deep dive into the future of technology. This will just be the beginning, and I plan to expand this site, so if you follow me, you can expect to receive regular updates about top trending technologies and the impact of technology on business.


Join Me on Social Media

If you enjoy the work I am doing, if you have any suggestions or just want to have a chat, please follow me on my social media accounts. Also, don’t forget to share with your friends and loved ones. I promise you that I will work hard to bring you the most interesting news and reviews that even the pickiest techno-nerd can’t say no to. So what are you waiting for? Start going through the amazing articles and reviews on my blog and learn something new about modern technology.